The Prevention Specialist is often invited to give faculty, students, parents presentations on hot topics like bullying, social media impact, bullying, underage drinking, other drugs, and violence.

The Shalom, Inc. Prevention Specialist facilitates the state-wide leadership initiative known as Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD). The students develop creative activities that challenge their peers to address real-life issues. They also provide mentoring opportunities for elementary school-age youth

High School Prevention Programs

Our High School Prevention Program is celebrating 50 years of service to the youth of Philadelphia!
Prevention services proactively support resiliency in adolescents. The adolescents receive an age-appropriate interactive evidence-based curriculum that highlight topics that resonate with them.
Specialists provide a safe environment that encourages adolescents to address life experiences and challenges which may include alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gambling, bullying, and relationship issues.

Safe Dates

A ten-session dating abuse prevention program to raise students' awareness of what constitutes healthy and abusive dating relationships, as well as the causes and consequences of dating abuse.

LifeSkills Training High School Program

The LifeSkills Training High School program is an integrated approach that helps to develop personal, interpersonal, and drug resistance skills.

CATCH My Breath

CATCH My Breath is an evidence-based youth nicotine vaping prevention program that will provide your students with the skills to resist peer pressure and media influences to try e-cigarettes.


Girl’s Circle

Girl’s Circle is an evidence-based program designed to meet the unique challenges teen girls face by creating a safe program structure that focusing on increasing positive social connections, building and strengthening self-esteem and developing resiliency. Essential life skills are taught through group discussions, team building games, role playing and creative writing.

Too Good for Drugs series

The evidence-based involves interactive games and activities provide practical guidance on dating and relationships, building healthy friendships, and refusing negative peer influence.